About Genea and Newcastle Egg Donors
Newcastle Egg Donors has been set up in conjunction with Genea. Genea is a privately owned and fully accredited IVF clinic that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility including IVF treatment. The purpose of Newcastle Egg Donors is to recruit Australian women to donate their eggs for infertility patients who require donor eggs to conceive a child. The ovum obtained by Newcastle Egg Donors will only be used by patients attending Genea.
Women Seeking Donor Eggs
Newcastle Egg Donors is associated with Genea Newcastle which is a fully accredited IVF clinic. Genea Newcastle’s donor program helps single women, same sex couples and heterosexual couples to access the donor eggs required to conceive a baby. If you are in need of donated eggs and would like to find out more please make an appointment with one of Genea Newcastle Fertility Specialists, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Genea Newcastle on 4902 7000 and ask for the donor coordinator.